But Carbonite is making the backup process simpler, safer,and more affordable. With Carbonite Online Backup, you simply download and it to the Carbonite data centers, safely away from your computer.
Why backup with Carbonite?Well, besides being easier and cheaper than backing up to an external hard drive,it's also safer.Your backup with Carbonite is completely safe from theft,fire, and floods.If you accidentally delete a file, just open the Carbonite application and restore it.Or, if you suffer a drive failure, restore everything! So just how easy is it to get started?Just go to the Carbonite website, enter your email address and password, download the application, go through the one-minute setup, and let Carbolite do the rest.You can try Carbonite free for 15 days.
After your free trial, if you're ready to buy, Carbonite costs only $54.95/year (but if use a Carbonite Offer Code,you can save 10%)
Go give Carbonite a try..........with their free trial (with no credit card required), what do you have to lose (well, besides your valuable data!)
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